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I hate to burst your bubble if you haven’t already heard, but it is not possible to target specific audiences in Performance Max. Instead, the campaign asks for “audience signals.” But don’t be fooled into thinking that this means it is only targeting the audience you select.

Audience signals are used to help guide the campaign toward users most likely to convert. For example, if you add a remarketing list as an audience signal, you’re telling the campaign that these are examples of users who have interacted with your site in a positive way in the past, so it should go find more users like these.

The campaign will then use your audience signal to find commonalities between those users, and try to find more users with similar behaviors and interests to try to acquire more conversions for your account.

Therefore, you are not only targeting the people on your Remarketing list. You are simply using your remarketing list to provide the campaign with additional data to use in its automation.

Is your Google Ads manager telling you that they’re running a Performance Max Remarketing campaign? They’re not.

How to utilize Performance Max audience signals

Add audiences that provide more information about what a good audience is. When the campaign has more information about who those users are, it’ll be better at finding more users like that.

For more information about Performance Max campaigns or to get an audit of your existing account, contact Clicks By K Digital Marketing today!